2020 Vision: New Green Resolutions

25 December 2019 3 minute read

What’s your 2020 vision? Are you the kind of person to make New Year’s resolutions, and to actually stick to them?

If so, you’re in a minority. An American study last year found that only 20% of people who make resolutions actually see them through. In fact, many exercise related resolutions are broken as early as the second week of January.

But hey, this isn’t a failure! It just means the resolutions need a little tweaking. Instead of setting yourself unrealistic goals of becoming an idealised version of yourself, how about taking a step back and resolving to look after nature a bit better?  

We asked the Trees for Cities staff what they’ll be doing in 2020 to make this year as green as possible. Here’s what they said.

Our Grants Fundraiser Bernadette: “Over the past two years I’ve made a real effort to reduce flying. I’ve enjoyed some great holidays in Europe and can recommend the Eurostar and Interrail as a fun and convenient way to travel. I have followed a vegan diet for the last few years and in 2020 I aim to keep my carbon footprint low by cycling where I can and using alternatives to air travel”. 

Individual Giving Coordinator Chris has a few green resolutions he has committed to maintain. He’s already switched to a renewable energy provider – Bulb are excellent for this – and will also be hanging up clothes to dry because, in his words: “the dryer setting on washing machines is really inefficient.” He also suggests bulk cooking meals and “growing your own fruit and veg in your kitchen”.

Megan's allotment

Edible Playground Coordinator Megan will be doing something similar: “I’m aiming to try and eat only seasonal and home grown food. I have an allotment and grow as much of my own food as I can”.   

Roddy, one of our Build Coordinators, has a brilliant idea for encouraging biodiversity. “Keeping a simple window box or planter stocked up with native flowers can do wonders to help the bees. It’s a useful thing for people in urban homes, as even a single flower pot can help. I’ve got one just outside my window and will continue to ensure the flowers are healthy”.

And Project Development Officer Mel, who is already doing tonnes to attract wildlife to her garden is “going to keep planting pollinator seeds in the smallest of places so that other people might do the same”. The photo below shows the life you can bring to something as inert as a brick. 

Mel's flower brick.

Projects Director Suzanne suggests something the whole planet is crying for right now, and something Trees for Cities obviously holds dear: “Plant at least one tree for 2020 in your garden, in a neighbour’s garden, or attend a group planting event with Trees for Cities and share this challenge with another person”.

Seb, our Urban Forest and Operations Manager says that the RHS plant selector is an excellent resource to choose what to plant where. 

His tip for reducing your carbon footprint is to contact your local councillor and let them know your concerns about the environment. “Ask people to get their councillor to put the climate emergency at the top of their agenda and keep the promises they have made”.

Finally, if your New Year’s resolutions really do centre on making yourself a healthier, happier person, think about simply spending more time in nature. The physical, mental and yes, even spiritual benefits are enormous. Here’s to 2020! 

Let us know if you have any sustainable New Year’s resolutions you’d like to share! Get in touch on Twitter @treesforcities.

Donate to Trees for Cities and together we can help cities grow into greener, cleaner and healthier places for people to live and work worldwide.
