Urban Tree Watch 2025
We're calling on members of the public to pick a tree in your town or city and document it throughout the year. For just 10 minutes every few months, you can grow your connection to urban trees, and help us gain a deeper understanding of people’s relationship to urban nature.
What does it involve?
Step 1: Choose a tree near you, maybe one outside your house, or you pass on the way to school or work, or one in your favourite park. If you've planted a tree with us, that could be your chosen tree! You don't need to be a tree expert to take part, but we're confident you'll learn a lot along the way.
Step 2: Head to your chosen tree and complete the short survey below - it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete, and there's an opportunity to attach photos to the form as well.
Step 3: Repeat this every season, watching the tree change from winter through to autumn. We'll send you reminders via our Tree Times newsletter.
Fill out the form below to take part
Do your bit as a Citizen Scientist
Amazing things are happening in urban nature that get missed, but people taking part in citizen science are helping support initiatives such as advocating for biodiversity or protecting existing green spaces.
The app iNaturalist is a great example of citizen science and how everyone can contribute to research. Already, iNaturalist users are helping with early detection of invasive species, and new species have even been discovered through the app!
Which tree should I document?
Truly any tree, no matter how big or small. But if you want to do something extra special, you may be able to document a Trees for Cities planted tree. Let us know your street name and postcode and we'll let you know if there's a tree nearby. Send us an email at info@treesforicities.org with the subject line 'Urban Tree Watch 2025'.
What if I'm not a good photographer?
We're not looking for award-winning photography, we want to see the tree through your eyes! Ideally, take the main photo in the same position. Feel free to send additional photos to info@treesforcities.org with the subject line 'Urban Tree Watch 2025'.
My tree has no leaves, is it dying?
If it is still winter or early spring, the tree may not have leaves yet. Look for buds on the branches. If the tree is freshly planted, sometimes it can take a while to establish and may not look very happy for the first year while it is taking root.
Share your results on social media and encourage your friends to take part. Don't forget to tag us @TreesForCities.
We're looking forward to seeing your chosen tree blossom and bloom throughout the year!